Hasan Dagli

Welcome to Term 3

Another busy term is ahead and we are looking forward to a number of exciting activities as part of RV week, literacy week, numeracy week, book fair, eid festival and so on.

Exchange Student from France

As Sirius College IDC, we are delighted to have our first exchange student, Thomas Ribieyre, from France on board. He will be with us for 4 weeks and will be attending the Year 10 classes. Thomas will be hosted by the Hayat family. I would like to take this opportunity to thank our student Yusri Hayat (Year 10) and his family for volunteering to host Thomas during his stay. It is the first time we are having an exchange student at our school and I am sure this will be a great experience for not only Thomas, but also for our school community. I would like to welcome Thomas to our school and hope he enjoys his stay with us.

Feedback Form

Feedback is considered to be one of the key factors for success. Therefore, as a school, we value constructive feedback from parents, students and staff. Whether you are raising a concern, paying a compliment or making a complaint; your input is the key to improving our services. We provide structured procedures to resolve the complaints or to revise our operations based on concerns as well as to acknowledge the success of the school or employees. Therefore as Sirius College, we highly advise our school community to provide constant feedback via the link below.

Feedback is considered to be one of the key factors for success. Therefore, as a school, we value constructive feedback from parents, students and staff. Whether you are raising a concern, paying a compliment or making a complaint; your input is the key to improving our services. We provide structured procedures to resolve the complaints or to revise our operations based on concerns as well as to acknowledge the success of the school or employees.

Therefore as Sirius College, we highly advise our school community to provide constant feedback via the link below.

I wish all of us a great Term.


Hasan Dagli